What's Happening At St. Mary's
What's Happening At St. Mary's
Many may not know, prayer intentions are a huge part of our lives during morning assembly at school. Everyday, before we begin the Rosary, we offer up our prayer intentions. Starting immediately, we want to make our prayer intentions bigger and better. If you would like to add a friend or loved one to our morning prayer intentions, please complete the request below:
Prayer is a very powerful thing. We have seen the power of prayer, first hand, work for many of our loved ones on our prayer intention list.
St. Mary - PRAY FOR US
Prayer Intentions
What’s Happening: March and April
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 3:30pm
@ Crawford’s Corner Pub
6:00 - Officers Only
6:30 - Open Meeting
5:30pm - 6:30pm
2:00pm Dismissal
4:30 - 7:30PM in the St. Mary’s School Gym
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Learn about all available scholarship opportunities for tuition assistance here at St. Mary’s School.
Schoolwide community service projects
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Saturday and Sunday morning. Tickets available through your local Boy Scout.
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Bring all required documents and submit all applicable scholarship applications.
2:00pm Dismissal
@ Crawford’s Corner Pub
6:00 - Officers
6:30 - Open Meeting
Item description
Application and all required documents must be submitted to the Diocese by this date.
4:00pm Saturday
10:15am Sunday
Ora et Labora. Pray and Work.
This is the theme for the 2024-2025 school year here at St. Mary's School. The theme is aligned with our value of serving as Christ taught us. With this in mind, we will be implementing two "work" days this year as a school community: St. Francis Day on October 2 and St. Benedict Day on March 20. Our students will come together in the morning to participate in a service project in our area, meet back at school for lunch, and then spend the afternoon praying and reflecting on what was accomplished in the morning. Students will receive saint metals of the saints they were working for.
We are excited for our students to pray and work this upcoming school year. For them to live like St. Francis and St. Benedict.
Serve those who are weak or in need, for in serving others you serve Christ himself.
~ St. Benedict
Students, families, and schools across IL - like St. Mary's School - Bloomington - rely on Invest in Kids #taxcreditscholarships for much-needed stability. If lawmakers fail to reinstate this vital program, 9,500+ students from low-income families across Illinois will lose their scholarships, causing many to leave their best-fit school. #SaveMyScholarship!
You can contact your elected officials using this link: